seek knowledge as
much as we could,
with knowledge we
can see lot of thing
don't let the world
change us but
let us together
change the

Same but Different

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sometimes people just have the same situation and same problem but when come to the result it would be totally different, why??? Maybe the answer would be because each people have their own ways of looking at things, meaning sometimes people don’t have the same point of view.

Example that we can relate it with essay exam, we are been given an essay question, each one will be given the same essay question but when come to the answer everyone have their own answer toward the same question. Everyone have their own view on the question or they just look the question with different perspective, so as a result everyone will have the different answer.

Everyone have their own perspective toward something because sometimes everyone tends to look things with the different view. Maybe everyone sees thing from different angle of view, like same story but different opinion and same case but different judgment.

Same goes with life, we living in the same world and maybe some of us have the same similarity but we are different from each other. Even if we were identical sibling, we also will not the same in our perception in certain things.

In terms of problems also some of us are having the same problem like relation problem, problem with friends, family, studies and many more problems. When come to handling the problem it will be different. Some will look the problem as a challenge in their life, some treat as disaster in their life, some will just feel discourage when facing it, some feel great about it and many more. It like 3 blind people describing an elephant

How we look on things will determine how we gonna react later. like in our class, we got the same subject and same lecture but the mark will be different, because of different perceptive and action of the student itself toward the class. Some student like the subject,  some student just like the lecture and some doesn’t like at all, so some will tend to study for the subject and other maybe for the lecture but the one that didn’t like at all will not study diligently. At the end I believe the positive behavior will lead to positive outcome, compared to the negative behavior.

With all the crap that I just said, basically what I’m trying to say is try to be an optimistic person and try to look thing at positive perspective, with the God will we will have positive outcome. It never hurt to be an optimistic person because it gave us hope to keep on trying right.

So no matter even we look thing differently, even we don’t have the same point of view or we use different angle or approach, we should look it from positive way.

Everyone have their point of view, so this is my point of view

Merah, hijau dan biru yang mana pilihan ku???

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Masa dibangku sekolah dulu rasa malas nak ambik tahu pasal masalah negara, krisis economi and pergolakkan yang berlaku sebab macam rasa tak ada kena mengena, lagi pun benda tu macam memeningkan dan bosan kadang-kadang. Tetapi bila usia dah meningkat dan masa pun dah sampai untuk saya menjalankan tangungjawab dan untuk ambik tahu tentang masalah yang melanda. Merah, hijau dan biru yang mana pilihan ku???

Kalau saya tak ambik tahu daripada sekarang siapa lagi yang nak ambik tahu, takkan nak harapkan negara lain yang ambik tau. Walaupun dulu saya tidak mengambil tahu sangat tetapi saya tetap memerhatikan tentang keadaan yang berlaku. Saya tahu serba sedikit tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh setiap pasukan

Bagi saya pasukan merah, hijau dan biru seperti 3 jenis kerenderaan yang berbeza tetapi mempunyai destinasi yang sama. Merah seperti kereta api, hijau seperti kapal terbang dan biru seperti kapal laut, setiap kerenderaan ni akan mengunakan jalan mereka masing-masing tetapi destinasi mereka adalah sama. Berbalik kepada situasi yang nyata, pasukan merah, hijau dan biru masing-masing menpunyai cara dan pembawakan yang berbeza tetapi saya yakin matlamat mereka adalah sama untuk membangunkan dan memakmurkan Malaysia. Tetapi masalah yang melanda sekarang masing-masing berlumba-lumba untuk sampai ke destinasi  itu, masing-masing sibuk memastikan kerenderaan mereka sampai dahulu sampai kadang-kadang mereka mengabaikan penumpang mereka iaitu rakyat.

Rasanya tidak salah kalau mereka bersama berganding bahu untuk sampai ke destinasi tersebut walaupun masing-masing mempunyai cara dan pembawakan yang berbeza. Yang si kerajaan mentadbir dengan adil tanpa berat sebelah, menjaga kepentingan Negara dan rakyat, yang si pembangkang berganding sama dengan membantu yang si kerajaan dengan menasihati mana yang tidak kena dan memberikan jalan penyelesaian, rasa itu tugas mereka. Kalau masing-masing menjalankan tugas masing-masing dan menghormati yang lain tempat perbincangan tidak akan jadi kecoh macam kelas sekolah.

Kalau di ikutkan sejarah Tanah Melayu, pada suatu ketika dulu jatuh disebabkan pergolakan yang melanda didalam pentadbiran dan kerana perpaduan daripada rakyat dengan bersatu dalam parti telah memerdekakan Malaysia. Dua benda yang boleh diambil disini ialah pergolakan dalam Negara boleh menjatuhkan sesebuah Negara dan objektif sesebuah parti adalah menyatukan rakyat bukan memecah belahkan.

Adapun raja-raja itu umpama api, segala perdana menteri umpama kayu, kerana api itu jikalau tiada kayu tiada akan nyala…rakyat itu umpama akar, raja itu umpama pohonnya; jikalau tiada akar nescaya pohon tiada akan dapat berdiri. Demikian raja-raja itu dengan segala rakyatnya …jikalau kau bunuh ia (rakyatmu) dengan tiada dosanya, bahawa kerajaanmu binasa’. [Sejarah Melayu (1612), wasiat Sultan ‘Alauddin Syah kepada anaknya]

Mungkin impian untuk setiap pasukan di Malaysia untuk bersatu masih samar-samar tetapi saya masih lagi percaya ia boleh dilaksanankan.

“It doesn’t need thousands of people to hope to make it happen, it is enough for one man to hope to make it happen”

Tentang Merah, hijau dan biru yang mana pilihan ku??? Buat masa ni saya takkan memilih mana-mana pasukan lagi tetapi saya akan memilih pemimpin yang berwibawa untuk memimpin.  Rasa tiada guna kita sibuk nak pasukan kita menang tapi rakyat entah kemana atau kalau pasukan kita menang pun belum tentu rakyat terjamin, tetapi pemimpin yang berwibawa rakyat pasti terjamin, jadi pilih berdasarkan individu bukan pasukan mereka. 3 pemimpin yang saya sangat sanjungi ialah bekas perdana menteri serta bekas timbalan beliau dan tok guru, bagi saya setiap daripada mereka mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing. Kalau mereka dapat berganding bahu pasti dapat menghasilkan satu kumpulan yang hebat untuk membangunkan negara.

Tentang perhimpunan Bersih:

55% diri saya menolak dengan sekeras-kerasnya kerana: Bagi saya, saya tidak Nampak hasilnya daripada rentetan tahun lepas, hasil yang saya nampak adalah rusuhan yang berlaku, mungkin dengan demonstrasi berjalan ini tidak cukup untuk menyedarkan rakyat dan memberi peluang untuk anasir-anasir jahat untuk membuat kacau bilau. Objektif yang dibawa pun agak samar-samar.

45% diri saya akan menyokong dengan setulusnya jikalau: Demonstrasi ini dilakukan pada tempat yang lapang atau tertutup jauh daripada kesibukan jalan raya, tempat-tempat perniagaan dan kawasan-kawasan yang boleh menganggu penduduk setempat. Saya akan menyokong 100% jikalau demonstrasi ini adalah jalan terakhir untuk menyedarkan kerajaan tentang situasi sebenar.

Kuasa Rakyat: kalau sesebuah kerajaan tetap tidak ingin mengambil tindakan dan berdiam diri, mungkin rakyat akan mengambil tindakan sendiri dan mula bersuara.

Tujuan rencana bukan untuk mengaibkan sesiapa, menyalahkan sesiapa atau menentukan siapa yang betul dan siapa yang salah tetapi rencana ini adalah pandangan kosong semata-mata, dengan berniat dapat mencelikkan mata sesiapa yang berkenaan. Walaup bagaimana pun mohon maaf jikalau terguris hati atau terkasar ayat.

"maybe someday from now we will be asked, what have we done when our country faces trouble" (I have try to give my opinion) I MY

Time To Change

Sunday, July 3, 2011

hehe it have been quiet a long time i haven't update my Blog, so I think it is time to change my Blog for a fresh start...

but but before that let me post something hehe

World change, weather change, season change and people also do change, like Darwin said human do evolve *SIGH. huhu I don’t  really believe Darwin theory that people changes from ape to human but I do believe that human change from dumb to knowledgeable, from nothing to something, from kid to adult, from bad to good and many more. Some said people behavior will never change no matter what. They will always be the same old themselves but for me people do change. People change depending on their current environment, friends, situation, time and more. Usually they will change themselves so they can feel comfortable and adapt with the condition.

Sometimes despite with all the things that happen, some people remain the same behavior, but I do believe that there is someone that can change them. Like Hoobastank lyric “I’ve found out the reason for me to change who I used to be, a reason to start over new and the reason is you”.  There is someone special that can change our world and our behavior, without we realized it we began to change ourselves for the person.

When do we need to change??? It is the question that only we the one that could answer it, when we need to make something new from ourselves, so we can feel good and for the benefit of other, then maybe it is time to change. But don’t take the decision to change ourselves spontaneously or drastically change ourselves, think it thoroughly because it will affect people around us and try to change to a better person. Some people can’t handle our change, they more prefer the old us but we need to show to them that the new us is better.

For me changes is a good thing as long we change for a good things

There is some story that I wanna share with you about "Man that tries to change the world", I can’t remember where I heard this story but here the story:
 Long long time ago in the far far away, there was a man that tries to change the world, it take him 10 years to known that he can’t change the world, then he try to smaller scope, he tries to change his country but it also take him another 10 years to known that he can’t also, after that he tries to change his state and also it take him another 10 years then he turn to his family is also the same story. At the end at the old age then he realized that the only thing that he can change is himself, if only he can change himself first, then he can change his family, after that we can change the society, then the state, country and lastly the world, so everything start from us first.

From time to time, people will change themselves
